Friday 25 April 2014

Architecture Placement

Organising a Placement

Hi, further to our telephone conversation, I can confirm we would be happy to take you from 1 September to 12th September 2014.

Please confirm acceptance of this placement by email.

Looking forward to meeting you in September.

Kind regards

Elizabeth Buckley
Administrator Leeds

Hi Elizabeth, 

I can confirm I would like to accept this placement.

I very much look forward to it.

Thank you



If you need any paperwork signing to prove your placement please either forward it to me beforehand or on your placement.

You will be working 9 to 5.30pm smart but casual dress.  There is l hour fur lunch either bring your own
There is a microwave in the kitchen. Or you can purchase lunch from outside.

Kind regards

Elizabeth Buckley
The Manser Practice Leeds

Saturday 19 April 2014

Jewish Musem Berlin - Daniel Libeskind

The Jewish Museum in Berlin is a clever piece of Architecture for many reasons. One of them is that is takes the viewer on a journey of a series of experiences. It is this aspect that I find the most interesting. Libeskind uses simplistic techniques such as the play of light, temperature and materiality to create sensations. For me, the best or perhaps the only way to understand such a dark part of history is though experience, no person can create a clear understanding of what the Jews went through by learning facts, yet, never would we wish to have been there so Libeskind's method of creating experiential spaces to evoke a sense of what it might have been like or to trigger emotions is a clever method of teaching.

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Shigeru Ban

Shigeru Ban portrait
Interview with Shigeru Ban by Dezeen Journalist.

Reference: Architectural culture is "moving in two directions" says Shigeru Ban. 2014. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 15 April 2014].

Journalist: Do you work a lot on projects for refugees?
Shigeru Ban: Yes with natural disasters. Yes almost every year some disaster. Now I'm working in the Philippines after the big typhoon there last year.
Journalist: What are you doing there?
Shigeru Ban: Building temporary housing there.
Journalist: What can you advise to young architects?
Shigeru Ban: You know, I really recognise when I give lectures to many different places in the countries, when I was a student everyone was working for big developers to make big buildings. And now there are many students and younger architects who are asking to join my team, to open programs in disaster areas, it's really changing. I'm really encouraged by all the young architects and students.
Marcus Fairs: Is that just in Japan that it's changing?
Shigeru Ban: No, no, no everywhere. Everywhere I got to give lectures many students are interested in what I'm doing and they want to join me and my team, it's really encouraging.
Marcus Fairs: So you think there's a shift in the world of architecture maybe?
Shigeru Ban: I think so, I really think so.
Marcus Fairs: Towards helping people more?
Shigeru Ban: Maybe not shifting but [moving in] two directions. Because now cities are being made by developers, not architects, or not urban planners. They're made by developers. So one way is this but many people are interested in working for society also.
Marcus Fairs: So there's new opportunities for architects to be more human, to be more helpful?
Shigeru Ban: Yes because unfortunately there are so many natural disasters destroying the housing, destroying the buildings so there are many opportunities for us.
Marcus Fairs: And in Japan did the tsunami change the attitudes?
Shigeru Ban: Yes, over 500km of coastline was totally damaged. Now the recovery is quite slow because they have to reclaim the land higher to prevent the next tsunami. So also changing of zoning to put residential areas on top of the mountains, so it's a very slow process. But it's the first time, even in Japan, that they're facing such a big problem.
Marcus Fairs: So are a lot of humanitarian architects working to solve the problem?
Shigeru Ban: Yes many architects are now working in that field, yes.

Monday 14 April 2014

The Berlin Wall

 A gap in the remains of the Berlin Wall looking through to a piece of Nazi Architecture
The architect of the Berlin wall memorial chose to use tall steel pieces as a way of representing the wall
A section of the Berlin Wall in its entirety. Graffiti played an important role for society

 Sections of the wall are displayed in the memorial gardens
 The death strip left exactly as it was found - A true memorial
 The relationship between the existing and the representational
The new wall marking the preserved area of the death strip. It is interesting another wall was used in this instance

Saturday 12 April 2014

Employment Planning

Lucy Rymer

A: B22, Saxton, the Avenue, Leeds, LS9 8FE or Gomary Hall Farm, Leconfield, Beverley HU17 7NJ
T: 07958206770 E:

Summer Placement/Work Experience within an Architect’s Practice.
Available Dates: 1st July – 17th September

Personal Statement:

I am an enthusiastic student of Architecture looking to develop my understanding of the subject through experience in practice. Amongst other things, studying architecture forces you to quickly learn the necessity to work hard, pay attention to detail and to stick to deadlines. All these skills can be successfully transferred into a work environment. What cannot be taught is experience in a practice and this is why I believe it is essential to gain as much experience as possible  to compliment my degree but also to prepare myself for the future.  Having worked in several different fields I have obtained many useful skills, which allow me to quickly adjust to new tasks and learn from others to become a versatile and valuable member of a team.

Key Skills:

Competent User of:               Basic User of:                         Other Skills:
Photoshop                                        CAD                                                      Technical Drawing
After Effects                                      Illustrator                                            Collage Techniques
In Design                                            Sketch up                                          Model Making
Microsoft Office             

Employment History:

Hall Construction Group: Administrative Assistant - June - August 2013

RD Stott Architects - Work Experience - November/October 2013

Pipe and Glass: Waitress - July 2021 – September 2012

JSR Farms: Arable Team - July 2012 – September 2012

Graham Billington Architects - Work Experience June 2012

Claire Williams Interior design - Work Experience June 2011

Shepcote: Factory Assistant - July 2010 – August 2010

Education and Qualifications:

Leeds School of Architecture: BA (Hons) Architecture (2012 – 2015)
Level 4:
·         Contextual Studies – A - Design 1 – 65% - Design 2 - 73 %

Leeds College of Art: Diploma (2011 – 2012)
·        Foundation Diploma in Art and Design – Distinction

Pocklington School: 
·         A-Levels (2009 – 2011) - A*, B, B

Uppingham School:
·         GCSE’s  (2006 – 2009) - A*, A*, A*, A, A, A, A, B, B


Mr. M Hall
Hall Construction Group LTD
Clay Street
01482 329204

Dr Claire Hannibal RIBA 
Leeds School of Architecture
Broadcasting Place 